The Fitness Industry: Improving

Listening to the endless talk about fitness and nutrition would lead you to believe that the health industry is bankrupt.

I confess, I am tired of reading blogs about all of the problems. It doesn't matter whether you want to lose weight, gain muscles, or find a diet that actually works.

Bring up any topic and you will hear complaints about the fitness industry. They range from:

Bad trainers

Bad gyms

Bad diets

Bad studies

Manufacture of insufficient studies

Information shortage

Too much information

No discipline


Calm down. The last one was a joke. It's true.

I could continue, but no matter how many "flaws", one issue would still have to be addressed. This is why many people see improving health, nutrition, and fitness as a losing cause. Is it worth spending time trying for a solution when the system is out of repair?

It is obvious that there is no other choice. Because there is nothing more important than your health.

There is a reason so many people spend so much money to improve their appearance. Your health matters. Your appearance is very important. It is important to build a body that can withstand the many stressors of everyday life. This is the modern version of survival of the fittest.

If you fail to acknowledge this responsibility, you will be crushed no matter who or what your wealth is.

It is therefore logical that we continue to try and fix the system. At this point, however, it is worthwhile to stop and look at the bigger picture.

What if you changed the focus to external factors you cannot control?

Stress can be reduced by following a simple principle: focus your energy and attention on the areas of your own health you can control.

I don’t fret about outcomes that are out of my control. I understand that I have some role to play in the fitness world but I'm not egotistical enough for me to believe I can influence the outcome.

If it was up to me, we would all spend less effort trying to fix the industry and more time trying our best to make ourselves better.

You might find it absurd when you look at the image-based reality in fitness. However, changing your mindset can lead to less stress, anxiety, and more success.

It's okay to be fat and not feel shame for being overweight. The purpose of being thin is not to make people feel worse. Muscular people could feel better if they looked at someone more or less successful.

The truth is that no matter your physical status, there are inadequacies which make it difficult to live healthier.


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